This past October, Chadbourne hosted a panel conversation among several bankruptcy experts on the topic of examiners in chapter 11 mega-cases.  We provided a synopsis of the program and its materials here.  Below is a selection of video clips from that program focusing on some of the key takeaways and panelist observations.  The panelists included in the videos are as follows:

  • Honorable Arthur J. Gonzalez, Senior Fellow at New York University School of Law, former Chief Judge of the Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York and court-appointed examiner of Residential Capital, LLC;
  • David Dunn, Counsel, Distressed Opportunities, Arrowgrass Capital Partners;
  • Chérie Schaible, Managing Director and Associate General Counsel, AIG Investments and Financial Services;
  • Ralph Tuliano, Chief Executive Officer, Mesirow Financial Consulting;
  • John Verrill, Partner, Chadbourne & Parke LLP (London); and
  • Howard Seife (Moderator), Global Chair of Bankruptcy and Financial Restructuring, Chadbourne & Parke LLP.


Judge Gonzalez on cooperation with committees and examiners:


Chérie Schaible on the sufficiency of prepetition investigations:


Ralph Tuliano on the need for financial advisor input on examiner scope orders:


Chérie Schaible and David Dunn on the potential need for examiners in pre-negotiated cases:


Howard Seife, Ralph Tuliano and Judge Gonzalez on the thoroughness and neutrality of examiner investigations:


Judge Gonzalez on advocacy in front of examiners:


John Verrill on examiner-like investigations in the United Kingdom:


Judge Gonzalez on analyzing and presenting majority and minority legal positions in examiner reports:


Judge Gonzalez on examiners with more than investigatory roles:


Ralph Tuliano on examiner solvency determinations:


Judge Gonzalez on the admissibility and value of examiner reports:


David Dunn on degrees of certainty in examiner conclusions:


John Verrill on the U.K. courts’ assistance to U.S. Examiners: