By John Verrill (UK) on Posted in EuropeCambridge Gas Resuscitated – Farewell Rubin and Singularis? On September 19, 2018 UNCITRAL published the final text of its new Model Law on Recognition and Enforcement of Insolvency-Related Judgments. The working group considered the arrested development of the concept of modified universalism following the UK Supreme Court (“UKSC”) judgments in Rubin v Eurofinance SA [2013]… Continue Reading
By John Verrill (UK) on Posted in EuropeOn 13 September 2018 the UK Government published a briefing on the likely response post exit of the UK to cases which currently fall within the Recast EU Insolvency Regulation (2105/848) (“Regulation”) The full text of its proposal for insolvency cases is as follows: Cross-border insolvency cooperation The majority of the Insolvency Regulation, which covers… Continue Reading